Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Library Smut, Read on!! Wikis, Tagging, Folksonomies: Oh My!

Wow, having finished reading about wikis and folksonomies and tagging makes me feel like I want to be more creative with all of this, but I'm not sure where to go from here. It was interesting to see what other larger library systems have done to make use of these Library 2.0 tools. I liked the San Mateo use of Dewey numbers for tagging. I can envision our system doing something similar.

When I decided to explore some on "del.icio.us" I clicked the tag for "libraries" and one of the sites listed was entitled "Hot Library Smut". Far be it from me to pass up such an enticing title, and was I pleasantly surprised. Fabulous photos! Try it!!

Anyway, all of this has been fun and I can see how wikis and tagging can be useful. Our saystem has done some with very good wikis, but we can do more. Let's get a committee going on this!

Got to go. Info desk is calling!